Monday, December 27, 2010

Final Thoughts

I heard once from a very wise man that the greatest gift a person can give you is freedom.  I am here to tell you that he was absolutely correct.  Reflecting on the past few months I see that it was not my travels which where solely responsible for my recent transcendence, but the gift of freedom given to me by a friend, an ‘ex’ if you prefer, but one whom I will forever consider a friend.  I have seen the change in me most acutely through the reflection of myself in the eyes of those around me.   Never before have I walked down the street and had multiple people stop to talk to me, just because (in their words) “they wanted to know what was behind the light.”  Someone commented that it is as if I have won the lottery, and I truly feel that I have.  There is no monetary value to this lottery, however.  It is the lottery of life.  I see the world before me and look forward to the challenges because I know now that I have the capacity to transcend any obstacle and overcome the sway of duality.  I am truly and deeply content; at peace with who I am and how I fit into this life.

My travels have landed me in Mexico until after the New Year at which point I will be starting a new blog for anyone interested in following my journey to find a home.

Thank you for reading about my travels.  I love you all.  Happy New Year!

God Bless and Namaste

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