Monday, November 8, 2010

Toes in the Sand - Fremantle

I have finally pried myself away from the beach long enough to post my first blog.  Australia is amazing! The end.
Alright, I suppose I can give you a few more details.  =)  My last week in Singapore consisted of returning the company car, shipping a few boxes back to the States, and moving out of my apartment.  Remarkably, I only amassed six boxes of belongings (plus a backpack) in my two years in Singapore.  Even more remarkable, I found a company to ship said belongings OUT of Singapore.  Evidently, Singapore is a bit like the Hotel California. A million companies ship into Singapore, but you have to be rather tricky to find one willing to move you out.
I turned over my apartment on Tuesday then moved from friend to friend until my flight on Friday. After a pleasantly uneventful six hour flight (aside from the volcano we had to divert around) I arrived safely in Perth. Despite the distance travelled it didn’t start to sink in that I was really on vacation until I woke up the next morning to the most amazing blue sky I’ve seen in years.  Mar and I started our Saturday at the Fremantle Market, a local crafts and farmers’ market in the middle of town.  We picked up some fruits and veggies then proceeded to walk around Fremantle for the rest of the afternoon stopping briefly to bury our toes in the sand at Bathers Beach. *Note – if you are going to spend the afternoon walking around in the sun (even if it feels a bit chilly in comparison to Singapore) don’t forget to reapply sunscreen. Especially if you’re a ginger kid.

Bathers Beach

Saturday night, we took my newly developed sunburn for a night out on the town. We started at the Little Creatures Brewery then moved on to Sail and Anchor followed by Rosie O’Grady’s Irish pub.  Being the raging partiers that we are, we called it a night around 11pm.
Sunday was officially deemed beach day at Coogee beach.  It was incredible. We were practically alone on this stunning white sand beach for the entire morning. The water was cold (and shark infested) but I was more than happy to just lie on the beach and do absolutely nothing.  Monday was much of the same, only we moved to O’Connor beach.  It was equally stunning and equally abandoned.  I can’t believe Mar gets to live here.  It’s a good thing I already bought return tickets because it is not going to be easy to leave this paradise.
Coogee Beach with all my friends

We are planning a road trip south along the coastline for a couple days, so be sure to check back for another update at the end of the week! 
All my love!


  1. OMG I'm so glad you're having fun! How long are you staying in Perth again? I'm thinking a weekend flight down there is in order ;)

  2. I want to be on a warm beach -- ours are a little chilly just now! And stormy yesterday! Have fun !! (and wear sunblock!!!)

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